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    Since “Black Monday” on March 16th, the markets have been all over the place. Traders are being more cautious - not knowing what will happen next.

    Me? I’ve made 2462 trades since January 1, 2020, the start of the panic… and 84.08% of them have made money. And now with Omicron and inflation...

    Vlad Karpel,
    Chief Investment Officer and Founder

    Dear Fellow Investor,

    The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world - and our markets - upside down.

    As a trader, I saw it as an opportunity and I see many more opportunities as inflation starts to boil.

    You see, it’s easy to make money in a bull market - and we were in the middle of a historic run.

    I spent years building a sophisticated, proprietary trading algorithm that would be immune from overall market performance.

    The March/April 2020 crash was a chance to really see if it worked.

    And what happened? Since the Pandemic started, my system identified 2462 trades.

    Of those 2462 trades, 2070 of them have been profitable.

    That’s right: only 383 trades have lost money since then.

    That’s an 84.08% win rate.

    Our Live Trading Room Performance Details As of October 22, 2024

    Average Return Per Trade: 37.66%
    Winning Trades 2070
    Losing Trades 383
    Breakeven Trades 9
    Winning Trades Percentage 84.08%
    Backtest Initial Capital $100,000
    Backtest Final Capital
    (Trading 300 Shares of Stock or 3 Options Contracts Per Trade)
    Backtest Net Gain $920,507

    * Backtest Results assumes starting with a $100,000 trading account and trading each Tradespoon Live Trading Room Trade since January 2020 with 300 shares of stock or 3 options contracts per trade.
    * The performance data is for educational purposes only and the opinions expressed are those of the presenter only. All trades presented should be considered hypothetical and should not be expected to be replicated in a live trading account.

    So not only is my algorithm doing well during this panic, it’s outperforming my average win-rate.

    And here’s the best part: it only takes a few minutes per day for a trader to implement.

    Successful trading in just a few minutes per week? Really?

    It sounds far-fetched, right?

    But it’s not. There are traders just like you who are doing this already. Every week, they blow up the lie that Wall Street has been telling you for years.

    “You need to spend hours every day analyzing stocks to have any kind of success!”

    No, you don’t.

    “You need access to inside information if you want any hope of making money!”

    No, you don’t.

    “The average retail investor can’t make money consistently by trading stocks!”

    Yes, they can. In fact, traders just like you are using this system to bank wins 84.08% of the time. How’s that for consistency?

    My name is Vlad Karpel. I’ve spent 18+ years developing trading algorithms that ferret out the best trade opportunities that you can find on the stock market.

    As former Head of Technology at OptionsXpress (bought by Charles Schwab), I developed their trading platform to help traders trade better.

    My latest system, however, is outperforming anything I’ve ever done - or seen.

    And I use it every day to make successful trades. I don’t want to just hand you a trading system or show you an algorithm. I want to open up my entire playbook.

    I want to show you my trades in real-time so that you can see exactly how I use my trading algorithm to time my trades for maximum profit potential.

    The average trader needs this more than ever before

    Recent inflationary headlines are stoking a lot of fear among traders:

    1. “You might be warming up to the stock market. Be prepared for it to drop”
    2. “Fear is rising in the stock market”
    3. “More than 80% of investors fear the market will plummet again within a few months”


    Indeed, it has been a scary time to be an average investor. If you don’t know what you’re doing, just holding shares in the S&P 500 could cause nail-biting.

    My method is different.

    I began trading with my latest AI-powered stock analysis system in July 2016.

    If you had invested in the S&P 500 since July 2016, even with the current downturn, you would have made 75%

    S and 500 chart

    ...and that’s assuming you didn’t freak out and pull your money out of the market when it crashed.

    Now, don’t get me wrong: that’s not bad. You’ve still made money, even if you aren’t at the peak anymore.

    Had you invested $100,000 just in the S&P 500, you would be sitting on $175,000.

    But with my trading algorithm, you could have made so much more.

    How this system dwarfs the rest of the market...

    My trading algorithm has delivered winning trade after winning trade.

    I’ve backtested the trades that I made based on my algorithm with a starting portfolio of $100,000 from January 1, 2020 to October 22, 2024.

    Today that $100,000 could be worth over $920,507.

    In just over a year, my trading algorithm has delivered 921% gains on the risk taken.

    Compare that to the $920,507 portfolio the average investors made during that time.

    Compare that to the $175,000 portfolio the average investors made during that time.

    my algorithm chart

    It’s not just about the total return, either.

    This system pulls in an astonishing win-rate - and massive returns on many individual trades.

    But don’t just take my word for it - let me show you how well it works…

    Banking triple-digit gains years

    You might assume that there are a few big winners here and there, or that you would have to deal with a lot of losing trades to take advantage of this algorithm, right?


    Not only did this system bank an incredibly consistent 84.08% win-rate, the picks it has made are routinely hitting triple-digit gains on the risk taken.

    Here is just a handful of the picks this trading system has made since July 2016, even in the midst of current volatility:

    1. 106.21% in 11 days trading iShares Russell 2000 Index (IWM)
    2. 250.86% in 11 days trading SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)
    3. 98.21% in two days trading Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF)
    4. 100.00% in two days trading Intuit Inc. (INTU)
    5. 97.73% in one day trading UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH)
    6. 104.30% in one day trading Netflix (NFLX)
    7. 109.68% in one day trading Merck & Co., Inc (MRK)

    Across hundreds of trades in that time span, the average return per trade is 37.66%!

    It nearly sounds impossible to enjoy that level of success just due to a simple mathematical system while the market is going haywire. And yet, that’s exactly what happened.

    It is this exact system that I want to put into your hands today - because investors just like you are scoring win after win using this system already.

    The secret? Stocks, options, and strong risk management

    Being a successful trader is not rocket science.

    But my algorithm recommends a mix of stock trades and options trades that minimize risk and maximize the chance of a winning trade.

    Thanks to this balanced attack, you can focus on stocks, focus on options, do a mix of both, and learn as you go along.

    Plus, I limit my downside risk to just 1%... maybe 2% occasionally. I don’t like to lose my money - I’m betting you don’t like to, either. Why would I ask you to take on more risk than I would be comfortable taking myself?

    In short, this is an approach to trading that fits any comfort level and experience.

    But that’s not even the biggest reason why I think you should use this system.

    It’s because I don’t want you to trust me.

    I want you to look over my shoulder… I have nothing to hide!

    So many experts online today are banking on trust - and that’s not enough.

    We’ve all come across a trading “expert” who has made lofty claims of big wins, only to subscribe to their services and see their track record has more losing trades than winning trades.

    After a few weeks of being underwhelmed, you’re right back where you started, except now you’re out a few hundred dollars from the membership fees and some losing trades.

    Do you know why that “expert” is hoping you’ll take his word for it? Because he isn’t recommending that pick because it’s a good trade.

    Meanwhile, his personal portfolio is loaded with picks you don’t even know about.

    When I put together this system, I wanted to be in the fight with other investors. That’s why I don’t play on your emotions to sell newsletters - I put my money where my mouth is.

    Every trade recommendation that I make using this system – comes straight from the list of trade recommendations I use myself.

    Not only that but every trade I make is logged in detail for you to review at any time. You can see my entire trading history, updated LIVE so that you can see, learn from, and even copy my trading strategy.

    In fact, I will send them to you as I make the trades so you can see how I trade in real-time with SMS and "Option, Stock and ETF" real-time email alerts.

    You can even watch me pull the trigger LIVE in our trading room - so you can do the same.

    I’m investing right alongside you. You can see the facts, not the stories that some experts whip up around their trades.

    Forget the “stories”. Forget the narratives.


    The only thing that matters is how much money you make - and investors just like you are racking up wins

    Get emotion out of the question.

    I don’t want you to join because you think I know what I’m talking about.

    No, really!

    I want you to join because other investors just like you are using this algorithm to make money.

    That’s it.

    Just listen to what traders already using my system have been able to accomplish:

    “This is for serious people who want to make money…” The tools and training are the best I have found to date. This is for serious people who want to understand the trading world and make money. They even have emotional trader training to help one realize how they might react during joyous and dreadful market conditions.

    Hats off to Vlad, Scott and the entire team.. See you in the live trading room! - Chris M.

    “Vlad Karpel has done an excellent job…” Vlad Karpel has done an excellent job providing a sophisticated website for both novice and expert trader. Daily, the tools are put to the test through real time trades that are fully explained and the results available for inspection.

    All tools have their basis in statistical analysis. The technical tools and training curriculum provided are among the best I've used. Huge importance is given to the psychology of trading, the need for trading discipline, and having a formal trading plan.

    I've used many other services. Easily the most eclectic approach to teaching an individual the skills to be a successful trader that I've encountered. - Phil S.

    “Real professionals...” These are real professionals trading the market. They are transparent and give you an audit of their wins AND their losses. You will not find any crazy hype here, they are friendly and their analysis is very good, they are very in tune with the technology they use. This team is one I feel comfortable with walking along with for the long haul for the next decade or so. - Sergio C.

    “Nothing but the highest praise...” I have nothing but the HIGHEST PRAISE for Vlad. Vlad is the hardest working trading service provider that I've come across, and, believe me, I've tried a lot of different services! His support team is also excellent and very customer-focused. - Bomi M.

    These are not well-trained experts. These are average traders who have put my system to work and have been able to collect these profits.

    You, too, can do the same. My new system is ready for you to put it to work on your portfolio.

    Even during this time of volatility and crashing markets, as you’ve already seen.

    Remember: my win-rate so far during this huge market move is 84.08%!

    Introducing Dynamic Power Trader by YellowTunnel - the brand new trading system for the concerned investor

    The gurus like to pack their advisories with tons of features to distract you from the fact that they aren’t making you much money.

    However, when I founded YellowTunnel, I had a different idea: put the focus on the trades.

    You’re not looking for a bunch of extra reports and information that you could easily Google. You want access:

    1. Access to a sophisticated trading algorithm that takes fear out of your trades, even during this current market uncertainty
    2. Access to a trading system with a consistent 84.08% win-rate no matter what the market does
    3. Access to a tool that can hand you gains on your risk capital of up to 283.33% on a single trade
    4. Access to real-time trading alerts so you can time your trades right alongside me. (I will send them to you as I make the trades so you can see how I trade in real-time with SMS and "Option, Stock and ETF" real-time email alerts.)
    5. Access to the exact trades I am making - with detailed buy/sell signals
    6. Unlimited access to weekly training sessions, including videos and webinars designed to help you bank more gains and put this knowledge to work in your own trades. You can trade smarter with training that includes:
      1. Technical stock analysis: Learn how to predict the future direction of stocks to maximize your gains
      2. Fundamental stock analysis: Make financial forecasts using the historical and current performance of a company - so you know which are the winning trades and why
    7. And most importantly: Access to a system that does all of this while handing you back your time - so you can spend it doing what you want to do instead of managing your portfolio constantly

    That’s why I developed Dynamic Power Trader.

    With a new Charter Membership to Dynamic Power Trader, you get access to my proven, powerful, algorithmic trading system.

    Every week, you get real-time trade recommendations in a mix of both stocks and options. Each step you need to take is laid out in detail, with the entry and exit strategies laid out before you.

    The same stocks and options trades I’m making in real-time… with 100% transparency

    These are the exact same entry and exit strategies that I am using in my portfolio. It is 100% transparency - which is sadly lacking in today’s world.

    All you do is log into your dashboard, make your trades, and then you are free to step away.

    While you’re spending time with your family… or watching TV… or just preparing for another week, the Dynamic Power Trader system is handing you those winning trades and pumping value into your portfolio.

    No more hours wasted watching the pundits argue on CNBC or Fox Business. No more expensive subscriptions to a bunch of other services run by “experts”. No more sweating over the doomsday headlines in the Business section.

    Just the right picks placed in your lap. Make the trades and move on, while your portfolio grows.

    The Dynamic Power Trader algorithm is an improved version of an algorithm that banked an average gain of 24.80% per trade - that’s not cherry-picking the winners, either. That includes the losses.

    Dynamic Power Trader Trader members can collect an average of $603.68 per trade. What would you do with that extra money - now that you have all this extra time?

    This is the exact type of system that the big-time traders subscribe to. So, you’re probably assuming…

    How much does this trading system cost?

    One of the biggest reasons why algorithm-based trading systems are only available to institutional investors is because they come with a massive price tag.

    One of the more popular weekly options trader software subscription costs $1,500 a year - and they only offer six trades per month. And they are only options trades.

    Dynamic Power Trader is an improved version of a system that has been garnering an 84.08% win rate on all trades with both stocks and options.

    And it won’t cost you $1,500.

    A full-price membership to Dynamic Power Trader is only $287/quarter... but that’s not what you’ll pay.

    See, you’re first in line for a Charter Membership to Dynamic Power Trader. That means you aren’t going to pay the sticker price.

    Today, I want to offer you a huge Charter discount that will make this opportunity a no-brainer for you.

    Your Dynamic Power Trader Charter Membership…
    3 Additional Free Months!

    When you sign up for a Dynamic Power Trader Charter Membership today, you’ll get:

    1. Full access to my Dynamic Power Trader system
    2. Real-time trade alerts whenever I make a trade with the system
    3. The algorithms that power a 84.08% win- rate on your trades
    4. Access to our complete knowledge database
    5. Access to weekly training videos
    6. Unlimited access to the training library of past sessions
    7. Full access to my Weekly Power Trader platform with a BONUS 10 recommendations every week - with full buy/sell signals (a $600/year value for FREE)

    All of this can be locked in for a special Charter discounted rate of $287 for half a year instead of a quarter - that’s three additional months at no charge.

    Take 30-days to decide for yourself…

    There is no trading service out there that is a perfect fit for every trader.

    I can’t guarantee that Dynamic Power Trader will be right for you. That’s why I want to give you 30 days to decide.

    If you sign up for a Charter Membership today (and lock in your free additional 3 months), you can take the first 30 days to decide for yourself whether or not it will fit your trading plan.

    Decide that it’s not for you? No problem - just contact us within those first 30 days and we’ll issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

    You don’t have to risk a dime.

    But I’m not finished yet. I wanted to give you one more resource - for the trader still recovering from the first half of 2020…

    From the Ashes: 3 Super Stocks Rising As Inflation Starts To Boil

    Many traders took endless body blows the last few months.

    Stocks cratered and companies have bottomed out.

    Of course, it’s been bad. But bad times create new opportunities. As the world moves on from COVID-19, we are approaching an inflationary period that can create fortunes for savvy traders.

    That doesn’t mean all the stocks are going to rise. Some companies are damaged indefinitely. Others will take a while before their share prices reflect the change in inflation.

    But there is a small segment of stocks that are expected to soar almost immediately.

    In this special report, From the Ashes: 3 Super Stocks Rising As Inflation Starts To Boil, I present companies that are poised to soar in the second half of the year.

    They weathered the Covid storm, and now they are ready to grow - and shareholders are going to benefit from them.

    You can too, if you know what they are. This report is going to give you all the information you need, from fundamentals to analysis to ticker symbols, so that you can prepare your portfolio to take advantage of these potential gains.

    And best of all, this report is FREE for new members of Dynamic Power Trader.

    That 921% ROI number keeps climbing…

    As you’ve seen, we make dozens of trades every month, and we keep piling on more and more winners.

    That 921% number? That number has only gone up since the market crash. It’s going to keep rising.

    It’s your turn to join us - and you can get three months of it for FREE.

    What are you waiting for? Click the button below and lock in that discounted first month, and get immediate access to the full power of Dynamic Power Trader and its winning algorithms.

    I’m already making my money with it. Join me.


    Vlad Karpel
    Chief Investment Officer and Founder

    P.S. In a single week, my algorithms delivered gains of 226.67%... 119.17%... and 68.75%... and that was just within the first 7 days of the COVID-19 market crash! Don’t miss another week of picks - now is the time to get started and lock in these gains for yourself. Just click the button below and start receiving these picks before you miss out on any more of these gains!

    Vlad Karpel
    Chief Investment Officer and Founder

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