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    Trade With Me During These Uncertain Times… LIVE… and Learn the Secret to my 83.39% Win Rate

    Our inflation beating super Sale sale is ON: Save $Thousands on Platinum Power Trader’s stock picks and trading strategies!

    No existing member has access to this Special OFFER: Subscribe below and we will give you an additional $100 OFF .

    Dear Fellow Trader,

    Vlad Karpel here with an exclusive opportunity that is not available to the general public.

    You can spend all day Googling, and you won’t find a sales page or ad mentioning it anywhere else.

    It’s the one upgrade you’ve been waiting for.

    Look, you know how to trade already.

    You want to be better, don’t you? But it’s getting much more difficult picking winners, isn’t it?

    Complicating matters further, the world’s interest rate environment has started to climb higher, creating a new wave of inflation fears, especially here at home. With the latest CPI and PPI rates higher than expectations, it doesn’t look like the Fed will hit its projected 2% inflation rate.

    Further mudding the waters, inflation, recession, Russian and Chinese aggression are escalating almost to the point of no return.

    And, we’ve already seen one of the biggest market swings this year and it could get a lot worse.

    Tech stocks…magnificent 7 stocks…Retail Stocks…almost the entire growth sector plummeted,bounced back and plummeted again, bounced back and will or will not….

    There’s a difference between being “experienced” and being a “master”.

    Traders have been through a wild ride and even though the stock market at times got ahead of itself, it keeps falling backward.

    It has become a stock pickers market.

    There’s a difference between being “experienced” and being a “master”.

    We all know that the quickest way to master something is by having access to an expert.

    You can fast-track your learning in the kitchen by asking questions of a chef.

    You can master your job by asking questions of your experienced coworkers.

    And you can quickly become an expert mechanic if you can ask questions of a master mechanic.

    I’m here today to tell you that trading is no different.

    You know how to trade already. You may even know how to trade well.

    But when you have daily access to a trading pro who can answer your questions directly, you can be a trading master.

    And if you want to be a master trader… and if you want to maximize your ability to make successful trades…

    …during bullish and bearish markets…

    …you need access to a master trader.

    You’re about to get the opportunity.

    My algorithm helped me beat the market 83.39%

    Not bad!

    But what if you had access to the same trades I made using my trading algorithm here at YellowTunnel?

    Discover for yourself how you can supercharge your trading by copying my next 30 days of trades.

    Chart 2

    Which would you rather have?

    Here’s the best part: You can do this, too.

    I’ll show you how.

    Start each trading day with expert traders… including ME

    I am opening up the Live Trading Room.

    This has never before been offered to members of any of my services.

    Here’s how it works…

    For the first hour of the market open on every trading day, the Trading Room goes live.

    Traders can log in and watch over my shoulder as I make trades. You’ll see the trades I make and why.

    And if you have any trading questions, you can ask me directly — I’ll answer them LIVE on the spot.

    It’s like a one-hour trading masterclass every day.

    And as any successful person in any avenue will tell you: surrounding yourself with the right people is crucial to your success.

    Imagine how quickly you could master trading when you are spending the first hour of the trading day watching a full-time trader set up his account for the day… and get the answers to your most pressing trading questions!

    It’s the closest thing to an actual trading mentorship.

    …and there’s never been a better time to start trading with me.

    2025: +126.09%… +147.52%… +199.05%…

    Remember: if you take my trading strategy and backtest it to January 1, 2020 — right before the world plunged into a pandemic — with $100,000 in the trading account…

    …that account could be worth $892,865 today.

    Look at these numbers from the last two years:

    • 2159 winning trades
    • 37.58% average return per trade (on all our cumulative trades)
    • An historical 83.39% win rate

    Our Live Trading Room Performance Details As of February 17, 2025

    Average Return Per Trade: 37.58%
    Winning Trades 2159
    Losing Trades 421
    Breakeven Trades 9
    Winning Trades Percentage 83.39%
    Backtest Initial Capital $100,000
    Backtest Final Capital
    (Trading 300 Shares of Stock or 3 Options Contracts Per Trade)
    Backtest Net Gain $892,865

    * Backtest Results assumes starting with a $100,000 trading account and trading each Tradespoon Live Trading Room Trade since January 2020 with 300 shares of stock or 3 options contracts per trade.
    * The performance data is for educational purposes only and the opinions expressed are those of the presenter only. All trades presented should be considered hypothetical and should not be expected to be replicated in a live trading account.

    In my opinion, these numbers blow away everything else that you can find on the market.

    It does not matter what market I face: in 2025, I banked winning trades as high as +126.09%… +147.52%… and even +199.05%!

    Here is just a handful of the picks this trading system has made recently, even in the midst of current volatility:

    1. On April 30th, 50% in two days trading Amd Corporation ($AMD)*
    2. On April 30th, 84% in twenty six days trading Novo Nordisk ($NVO)*
    3. On April 23rd, 60% in four days trading SPDR SPY ETF ($SPY)*
    4. On April 30th, 147% in one day trading Eli Lilly ($LLY)*
    5. On April 11th, 97% in nine days trading SPDR Gold Shares ETF ($GLD*)
    6. On April 11th, 56% in thirteen days trading SPDR Financial ETF ($XLF)*
    7. On April 5 th, 109% in three days trading SPDR Gold Shares ETF ($GLD)*

    That’s still an over 75% win rate!

    Now imagine you watched as I made those trades LIVE.

    And then you get to discuss the trades with me and other traders.

    The Live Trading Room pulls you out of your isolated bubble and pairs you with a master trader so you can become an even stronger, more successful trader than ever before.

    So now, you’re probably wondering…

    “How do I get access to this live trading room?”

    As you can imagine, we can’t just give access to this trading room to anybody who wants it.

    This is for serious traders who want to dig in and master the game.

    And if you want to master the game, then all you have to do is become a YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader.

    No existing member has access to this.

    It’s never even been offered before.

    Once you lock in that “all-access pass”, you’ll get the keys to the live trading room.

    Behind those closed doors, you’ll learn more than you ever thought possible about trading successfully.

    You’ll see the tools and strategies I used to bank gains of +156.57%… +226.67%… and +250.86% on the risk taken, just in 2025… at the height of the pandemic panic!

    And while LIVE access to my trades every trading day would be worth it all on its own, the YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader membership comes with so much more than that…

    YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader lives up to its name

    There are no limits on your membership to YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader.

    For just one single membership fee, you’ll get unlimited access to everything YellowTunnel offers, including:

    1. Aggressive Power Trader
    2. Weekly Power Trader
    3. Earnings Power Trader
    4. Dynamic Power Trader
    5. Profit Accelerator Trader

    That means the Platinum Power Trader is
    your ticket to:

    …and on top of all of that, exclusive access to my Live Trading Room every trading day.

    What is the YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader Membership worth?

    If you wanted to join each of those trading services on your own individually, you would rack up $5,362 in membership fees every year.

    And remember: that doesn’t include access to the Live Trading Room!

    Today, if you lock in your YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader super sale , you will only pay (not $387/quarter) $287 for the next three months (and an additional $100 OFF).

    That’s more than 69% off the cost of subscribing on your own… and again, you get the Live Trading Room access on top of it!

    4 stars with Trustpilot

    The only thing that matters is how much money you make — and investors just like you are racking up wins

    Get emotion out of the question.

    I don’t want you to join because you think I know what I’m talking about.

    No, really! I want you to join because other investors just like you are using this algorithm to make money.

    That’s it. Just listen to what traders already using my system have been able to accomplish:

    “This is for serious people who want to make money…” The tools and training are the best I have found to date. This is for serious people who want to understand the trading world and make money. They even have emotional trader training to help one realize how they might react during joyous and dreadful market conditions.

    Hats off to Vlad, Scott and the entire team.. See you in the live trading room! - Chris M.

    “Vlad Karpel has done an excellent job…” Vlad Karpel has done an excellent job providing a sophisticated website for both novice and expert trader. Daily, the tools are put to the test through real time trades that are fully explained and the results available for inspection.

    All tools have their basis in statistical analysis. The technical tools and training curriculum provided are among the best I've used. Huge importance is given to the psychology of trading, the need for trading discipline, and having a formal trading plan.

    I've used many other services. Easily the most eclectic approach to teaching an individual the skills to be a successful trader that I've encountered. - Phil S.

    “Real professionals...” These are real professionals trading the market. They are transparent and give you an audit of their wins AND their losses. You will not find any crazy hype here, they are friendly and their analysis is very good, they are very in tune with the technology they use. This team is one I feel comfortable with walking along with for the long haul for the next decade or so. - Sergio C.

    “Nothing but the highest praise...” I have nothing but the HIGHEST PRAISE for Vlad. Vlad is the hardest working trading service provider that I've come across, and, believe me, I've tried a lot of different services! His support team is also excellent and very customer-focused. - Bomi M.

    These are not well-trained experts. These are average traders who have put my system to work and have been able to collect these profits.

    You, too, can do the same. My new system is ready for you to put it to work on your portfolio.

    Even during this time of volatility and crashing markets, as you’ve already seen.

    Remember: my win-rate so far during this huge market move is 83.39%!

    Remember: I am the “secret sauce” of YellowTunnel’s success

    I don’t like to brag. It makes me uncomfortable.

    At the same time, I can’t lie about why YellowTunnel has been so successful for me and traders just like you.

    How does a service help to bank more than 83.39% winning trades?

    I run things here at YellowTunnel, and I give myself the advantage of every trick in our world-class inventory.

    Every trade I consider is screened by rigid analysis.

    I take full advantage of our proprietary, number-crunching artificial intelligence that has had a historical 86%+ success rate to aid in finding stocks with a bullish 30-day maximum outlook.

    Just to remind you, before I launched Yellow Tunnel, I was Executive Vice President and Head of Technology at OptionsXpress from inception through 2007. During my tenure, the trading platform developed under my leadership handled 300,000+ customers, processed more than 60,000 orders daily and powered company growth to over $1.6B in market capitalization.

    I also have served as CTO of Mediaocean and as a consultant to and investor in early-stage financial technology companies. I have been building and optimizing the core YellowTunnel algorithm for 15 years.

    I know . . .I know. . .it’s hard for any successful trader to entrust his or her portfolio to another. You take pride in figuring things out yourself and in being right.

    But ask yourself . . . how great would it be if you could double or triple the number of trades you make each day by relying on YellowTunnel’s algorithms to help identify and select stocks that would take you hours, if not days, to analyze yourself?

    This is an unprecedented opportunity… but I don’t want you to think you have to assume all the risk here.

    See dozens of trades LIVE without risking a dime

    As a member of the YellowTunnel Platinum Power Trader, you’re going to get all the recommendations included in the 5 services, which total up dozens of trades over the course of a month.

    And if you grab your keys to the Live Trading Room today, you’ll have a full 30 days to analyze them yourself.

    Run a few trades. Paper trade them if you want extra protection. See for yourself how powerful this service is.

    If you decide that this service isn’t for you for some reason, you can cancel in those 60 days and have your membership refunded.

    This offer can’t last forever…

    As you can imagine, I can’t offer this all-access pass to everyone for an unlimited time.

    To offer the quality of service that I need to, there will be a cap on memberships at some point.

    If you want to guarantee a seat at the table behind those closed doors of the Live Trading Room…

    …to get your trading questions answered every day…

    …and access to the unbelievable suite of resources from all 5 YellowTunnel services…

    …and access to the dozens of trade recommendations you’ll get every month…

    …then the only way to guarantee your access is by filling out the order form below RIGHT NOW.


    Vlad Karpel
    Chief Investment Officer and Founder

    Subscribe Now!

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    Your Subscription fee will automatically renew at the then current price, using the most recent credit card we have on file. All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars. You may cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us here (add link to [email protected]) or by contacting our Customer Service team by emailing [email protected]. To cancel without incurring an automated renewal charge, you must do so one-day prior to the renewal date. Annual subscribers will receive an email reminder before their subscription is automatically renewed.

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    No-Questions-Asked "You Can't Lose"
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    You be the judge - And if it's not what you imagined, or if you just think it's "not your cup of tea", or even if you just don't like the font we're using, let us know within 30 days and we'll refund every penny, case closed.