$LLY: A Big Game Changer

As we approach yet another Federal Reserve meeting and set our sights on the familiar rhythms of fall—a season marked by Fed meetings and earnings reports—I find myself marveling at the subtle beauty of routines, both at home and in the financial world. While the last few weeks have been predominantly marked by our latest furry addition to the family, this contemplation has been prompted by my recent re-engagement with our book club - as I’m sure you've all had your fill of my dog training anecdotes. Most of all, it is a testament to the enduring pleasure of meaningful discussions and the joy of spending time with cherished friends.

In a curious twist of fate, our latest book club selection, "A Tale of Two Cities," found itself in the midst of a breakout illness that struck down half of our members. However, this unexpected turn of events did not dampen my enthusiasm. Instead, it served as a poignant reminder of the opportunities that can arise when faced with unexpected circumstances—much like the savvy investor who spots a hidden gem in the midst of market volatility.

As I delved into the pages of Charles Dickens' masterpiece, I couldn't help but be captivated by the historical backdrop, the intricate characters, and their unwavering struggles. Take, for instance, Dr. Alexandre Manette, a man who endured over a decade of imprisonment for his unyielding moral principles. His transformation from the depths of an unjust prison to becoming a hero of the French Revolution mirrors the resilience we often encounter in the world of finance. The novel's portrayal of the French aristocracy's callus treatment of the common people reverberates with historical echoes from France to Russia and the United States, underlining the cyclical nature of history.

On the other side of the narrative spectrum stands the indomitable Madame Defarge, a formidable antagonist who takes matters into her own hands and leads a revolution against the oppressive aristocracy. Her unwavering determination stands in stark contrast to those, like Charles Darnay, who forsake their privileged backgrounds to seek a more honorable path. However, as fate unfolds its unpredictable twists and turns, Charles finds himself ensnared in the jaws of the guillotine—a chilling reminder of the tumultuous revolutions in Russia and China.

Now, the financial lesson here is both profound and personal: to thrive as investors, we must be students of history. We must not merely glance at the past but immerse ourselves in its lessons, drawing parallels between historical events and the contemporary financial landscape.

In this context, I wholeheartedly encourage each of you to document your own financial history. Consider maintaining a journal—a financial chronicle of your trades, capturing not just the numbers but also the emotions, rationale, and context behind your investments. This humble journal can be your guiding star, a constant reminder of the lessons learned and the pitfalls to avoid.

But there's more, my friends. In the coming week and one that just passed, there is plenty to shake up the market - we'll dive deep into the captivating realm of market sentiment, exploring its powerful influence on our investment decisions. Furthermore, we're thrilled to unveil our latest featured sector and symbol for potential trades—an opportunity that promises to align seamlessly with the ever-evolving dynamics of the current financial market.

So, stay tuned for our reading of the current market landscape and our strategic moves in the coming days. History is our wisest teacher, and in its lessons, we find the keys to unlocking a prosperous financial future. Let's savor the wisdom of Dickens, treasure our shared financial journey, and brace ourselves for the exhilarating adventures that await us in the week ahead.

Recent Trade Review

Let's dive into a quick review of one of our recent trades, focusing on one that has certainly caught our attention. This time, we're taking a closer look at a short position in a particular company: Nasdaq QQQ Invesco ETF.

Our source of inspiration for this trade comes straight from our Dynamic Power Trader (DPT) services. For those who were part of our live trading room session last Wednesday, you might already be aware of this exciting move. If you missed it, no worries—there's always a chance to catch up, and we have the recording available for your reference right here: Live Trading Room Recordings.

So, why did we go short on $QQQ? The answer lies in our DPT model, which identified it as a prime shorting opportunity. It's important to note that one of the major distinctions between our paid and free services is the access to real-time SMS messages. These messages act as your guiding light, providing timely insights on when to get in and, equally crucial when to get out of a trade. In a fast-paced market, these real-time alerts can make all the difference.

As we wrap up this trade review, let's remember one key takeaway: we're in a stock picker's market. The importance of risk management cannot be overstated. Volatility is on the rise, and the odds of a recession are decreasing—making risk management paramount in your investment strategy.

This is where YellowTunnel comes to the rescue. We provide expert opinions, essential tools for risk management, and models that validate trade ideas against both macro and micro market conditions. With these resources at your disposal, you're better equipped to navigate the ever-shifting tides of the financial world.

So, stay tuned for more exciting trade opportunities and valuable insights. Your financial success is our ultimate goal, and together, we'll make the most of this stock picker's market.


All three major U.S. indices closed in the red on Friday after a turbulent week that featured key inflation data, a European Central Bank decision, and focus firmly shifting from the latest economic reports to the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee meeting, taking place on September 19-20.

Moreover, Treasury yields inched higher as the marketplace collectively expressed unease. Adding to the complexity, an auto workers' strike emerged, further intensifying a week already saturated with headlines.

This market retreat alludes to potential turbulence ahead, especially in the latter part of this year. The week's primary focus had been on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, which brought an unwelcome surprise. When coupled with the Producer Price Index (PPI) data and the European Central Bank's (ECB) decision, it set the stage for market turbulence.

Amidst this landscape, I've made the decision to transition to a market-neutral stance, guided by economic data suggesting a low probability of a recession. I maintain a cautious outlook, noting that the SPY rally may be capped within the range of $450 to $470, with robust support levels at $400 to $430 in the coming months, it's evident that the market currently leans toward further downward movement. The retest of August lows is already underway, underlining the market's present disposition. For reference, the SPY Seasonal Chart is shown below:

Our week began with a deep dive into the latest inflation statistics. In August, consumer prices surged by 3.7% year-over-year, accompanied by a robust 0.6% monthly increase. However, beneath these numbers, core prices—excluding the volatile food and energy categories—displayed a slowdown, easing from 4.7% in July to a more moderate 4.3%. While this raised eyebrows, it's unlikely to sway the Federal Reserve from its current interest rate range of 5.25% to 5.5% in the upcoming September meeting. These figures suggest some moderation in inflation, aligning with market expectations.

At the midweek point, the turbulence in the market continued as inflationary pressures loomed large, with investors eyeing the Federal Reserve's upcoming meeting. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite relinquished their weekly gains, and Treasury yields crept higher. Adding to the mix was an unexpected auto workers strike, amplifying uncertainty in the markets. Workers initiated strikes at GM, Ford, and Stellantis plants, introducing an additional layer of complexity.

Wednesday brought a thrilling surge in stock prices, fueled by promising economic data. August witnessed a notable 0.7% increase in producer prices, surpassing expectations. Concurrently, retail sales demonstrated their strength with a month-over-month uptick of 0.6%, far exceeding the anticipated 0.1%. These robust figures instilled optimism regarding the resilience of the American consumer, even amid ongoing challenges. However, all eyes turned toward the impending Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, hinting at being less favorable than expected. Coupled with the Producer Price Index (PPI) data and the European Central Bank's (ECB) decision, this set the stage for market turbulence.

Thursday saw the Dollar Index (DXY) extending its multi-month rally, exerting its influence on the market landscape. Longer-dated treasuries embarked on a remarkable rally, edging closer to retesting the yield highs last seen in October. This strength in the DXY and treasuries underscored market participants' cautious sentiments, contributing to ongoing weakness in various sectors, including Europe, small caps, technology, cyclicals, and regional banks.

As the week drew to a close, all three major U.S. indices closed in the red, capping off a week marked by volatility and uncertainty. Concerns over inflationary pressures ahead of the Federal Reserve's meeting weighed heavily on investors. The automotive sector took center stage as auto workers initiated strikes at GM, Ford, and Stellantis plants, adding another layer of complexity to the market landscape.

The recent market events underscore the need for cautious navigation with proper tools and guidance aiding your trading journey. While economic data points to resilience, uncertainties remain, and the market is characterized by increased volatility. The Federal Reserve's meeting looms, and all eyes are on forthcoming data, particularly the Consumer Price Index (CPI), to gauge the trajectory of interest rates. Amidst these dynamics, risk management should be at the forefront of investors' minds.

As we move forward, it's essential to keep a keen eye on the ever-evolving landscape. Our A.I. system is continually analyzing market conditions to identify strategic opportunities. Stay tuned for more insights and potential plays in the weeks ahead.


Intrigued by the prospect of a resilient sector that thrives in uncertain times? Our A.I. discovered a promising investment avenue within healthcare. Discover the potential growth drivers, defensive attributes, and diversification opportunities that await within this sector. This investment choice is a beacon of stability in a fluctuating market, offering compelling reasons to consider it for your portfolio. Join us as we unveil the details of this healthcare investment opportunity and explore why it's a standout choice in today's financial landscape.

In the current market climate, the healthcare sector shines as a promising investment opportunity. One standout choice within this sector is the Healthcare Select Sector SPDR Fund, known as XLV.

XLV is a well-established exchange-traded fund (ETF) that mirrors the performance of the healthcare sector within the S&P 500 Index. It encompasses a range of sub-industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare equipment, and healthcare providers, providing diversification within the sector.

This ETF provides resilience during uncertain times, historically performing well even amid economic turbulence. It benefits from long-term growth drivers, such as an aging population and ongoing medical advancements. Additionally, healthcare investments often serve as effective hedges against inflation, as companies can pass rising costs to consumers. 

XLV includes well-capitalized healthcare companies with solid fundamentals, instilling confidence in potential growth. For investors seeking income, XLV offers competitive dividend yields, combining potential income with capital appreciation. Furthermore, XLV provides diversification by encompassing various healthcare sub-industries, reducing single-stock risk while offering broad sector exposure. Its technical strength, demonstrated by a history of consistent uptrends, aligns with the healthcare sector's overall growth trajectory.

With the Healthcare Select Sector SPDR Fund, an attractive investment choice in today's dynamic market is presented. Its resilience, growth potential, and defensive attributes make it an appealing option for both short-term and long-term investors. As market conditions remain uncertain, I’ve considered adding XLV to my portfolio to capitalize on the healthcare sector's promising outlook. Furthermore, there is one symbol within this sector that I will certainly be adding to my portfolio based on the latest A.I. data and market conditions. 

TRADE OF THE WEEK - $LLY: A Big Game Changer

Eli Lilly and Company ($LLY) is a renowned global pharmaceutical giant with a rich history of innovation in healthcare. Known for its cutting-edge research and development in areas like diabetes, oncology, and neuroscience, Eli Lilly has consistently demonstrated its commitment to advancing medical science and improving patients' lives.

The latest A.I. readings for $LLY align seamlessly with the current market sentiment, reinforcing the conviction that now is an opportune moment to consider an investment in Eli Lilly and Company. Our advanced analysis indicates a strong consensus among A.I. models, reflecting positive indicators and bolstering the case for $LLY's growth potential. 

As we delve deeper into the specifics of this trade opportunity, you'll gain valuable insights into the data-driven reasons behind this bullish sentiment, further strengthening the argument for Eli Lilly as a standout investment choice in today's financial landscape.

Recent market events and the overall landscape make Eli Lilly an intriguing investment prospect. As highlighted in our previous analysis, the healthcare sector is positioned favorably for growth and resilience, especially in volatile market conditions. This positive outlook extends to Eli Lilly, given its prominence within the sector.

Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is at the forefront of innovation, with ongoing advancements in drug development, personalized medicine, and biotechnology. Eli Lilly's robust pipeline of potential blockbuster drugs and its focus on therapeutic areas with high unmet medical needs bodes well for future revenue growth. LLY’s latest venture into obesity, diabetes, and heart drugs has brought its name to the forefront of medicine. And our A.I. data strongly agrees! See 10-Day Predicted Data for LLY:

Furthermore, Eli Lilly's recent strategic acquisitions and collaborations have positioned it for expansion and diversification. Its pursuit of strategic growth avenues aligns with our outlook for the healthcare sector, making Eli Lilly a big game changer in the industry.

Considering these factors and the current market dynamics, Eli Lilly and Company ($LLY) emerges as a compelling candidate for investors looking to capitalize on the healthcare sector's strength and the pharmaceutical industry's ongoing innovation. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this trade opportunity and provide you with insights into why $LLY is a game changer worth considering for your investment portfolio.

This week, I’ll be adding $LLY to my portfolio!

And one more thing! Our track record speaks for itself from the standpoint of a Winning Trades Percentage, Average Return Per Trade, and Net Gain. Just take a look:

The consistent performance of our services is just incredible. My historical stellar performance is made possible by being right on 85.34% of all trades that I made, with an average profit of 37.28% per trade on our collective trade recommendations. To my knowledge, this trading performance is one-of-a-kind and stands alone in the marketplace for superior trading advice where our numbers and results speak for themselves.

Go to our website at www.yellowtunnel.com and make one of our services your default trading system where the AI that powers my all-world, the proprietary platform, can help you make 2023 the best trading year of your portfolio yet!

One more thing, I've had the opportunity to take additional action with a great organization supporting families in Ukraine directly. Gate.org is a foundation where fundraising is held for specific families, allocating funds to multiple families currently living in Ukraine. I am on the board of directors for this great initiative and encourage everyone to check it out and donate if possible. The war in Ukraine is escalating and families are being negatively impacted and displaced daily. To learn more about this initiative to help families, please see the link below:


Wishing you a week filled with resilience, growth, and prosperous opportunities!