Ride the Wave or Buck the Trend: How Will You Play This Week's Volatility?

Another busy week is in the books! With earnings season in full swing and Chairman Powell's latest remarks stirring up market chatter, it's been a rollercoaster of excitement and opportunity. Throughout this period, I found myself strategically navigating market conditions. Using A.I. analysis and timely execution, I secured several successful trades while prudently hedging my portfolio against impending volatility. Stay tuned as I delve deeper into the strategic details, including the put spread technique, in the forthcoming "Recent Trade" section.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the trading week, I was reminded of something truly invaluable: the importance of family. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of accompanying my daughter Emma to her volleyball tournament in Wisconsin just as the weather turned for the better! And let me tell you, it was a weekend filled with unforgettable moments.

In between cheering for Emma and soaking in the tournament atmosphere, I was also able to embark on a different kind of adventure with my son David. Despite his initial trepidation, I managed to get him onto some of the more daring water slides at our hotel's wilderness-themed water park. While just like his dad he is afraid of rollercoasters, we were able to brave the drops together and have a blast! The look of triumph on his face as he conquered his fears was priceless.

As we made our journey back home, both David's courage and Emma’s competitiveness got me thinking. In both life and trading, sometimes we need to take a leap of faith and try something new, challenging ourselves. It could be a new investment strategy, a different approach to risk management, or even exploring innovative financial instruments like the put spread I've recently employed to hedge my portfolio.

Just like David conquered his fear of those towering water slides, we too can overcome our apprehensions in the financial realm. Perhaps it's time to consider new opportunities or diversify our investment approaches, especially in the face of market volatility.

So, as we gear up for another week of trading, let's harness the same spirit of courage and determination that inspired David's water slide conquest. Let's explore new avenues, embrace change, and strive for success in both our financial endeavors and cherished family moments.

Stay tuned as we delve into the recent trades and strategies that have fueled my enthusiasm for the weeks ahead. Here's to navigating the markets with confidence and seizing every opportunity that comes our way.

Recent Trade Review

In line with the insights from our macro analysis, detailed in our "CURRENT TRADING LANDSCAPE" section below, and my transition to a neutral stance on market approach, I recently executed a trade utilizing a $QQQ short debit put option spread. This trade was facilitated through YellowTunnel's Dynamic Power Trader services, which provided invaluable guidance for this strategic move.

In our Tuesday live trading room session, accessible via this link, the DPT model pinpointed $QQQ in a downtrend, prompting my action. Opting for a debit put spread on QQQ, I positioned myself to benefit from the anticipated downward movement. Alternatively, investors could consider a PSQ hedge as an alternative strategy.

One notable advantage of utilizing paid services like YellowTunnel's Dynamic Power Trader is the real-time alerts provided via SMS messages, ensuring timely entries and exits from trades. This level of responsiveness can be a game-changer in navigating volatile market conditions.

For a more detailed breakdown of this trade and others, please refer to our latest newsletter here.

Stay tuned for further updates on our trading strategies and insights in future editions.


This week has proven to be a turbulent one for financial markets, with investors closely monitoring developments from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's speech to the latest economic data and earnings reports. As we anticipate the April decision from the Fed, the SPY rally could potentially reach between $530 and $540, with short-term support levels likely to be found within the range of $480 to $500. It's advisable to brace for volatile market conditions and a prevailing downward trend bias throughout the second quarter.  For reference, the SPY Seasonal Chart is shown below:

On Tuesday, Powell's remarks initially sent mixed signals, leaving the market uncertain about the possibility of interest rate cuts this year. The 10-year Treasury yield broke above the critical 4.5% level, intensifying concerns among investors about the potential pressure on equities if it reaches 5%.

Adding to the market's unease, retail data releases and geopolitical tensions further fueled volatility. March's retail sales figures provided a glimmer of hope, surpassing expectations and indicating robust consumer spending. However, uncertainties surrounding geopolitical events, such as the Iran-Israel conflict, cast a shadow over the market, contributing to increased volatility and downward pressure on major indices like the S&P 500.

In the midst of these challenges, corporate earnings reports have offered insights into the resilience of companies amidst economic headwinds. Notably, UnitedHealth Group (UNH) emerged as a standout performer, demonstrating strength and stability in a volatile market environment. The company's robust financial results underscore its reliability and resilience, positioning it as a compelling investment opportunity in the healthcare sector.

As tensions escalated on Friday with Israel's strikes on Iran, investor sentiment remained mixed, prompting a shift towards safe-haven assets and away from higher-risk stocks. The uncertainty surrounding geopolitical events, coupled with rising inflationary pressures, has led to increased market volatility, with the VIX nearing the 20 level, signaling elevated levels of fear and uncertainty among investors.

Moreover, technical indicators such as the 50-day moving averages (DMA) for major indices like SPY, QQQ, and small caps have been breached, further highlighting the fragility of the market. However, amidst this uncertainty, precious metals like silver (SLV) and gold (GLD) are breaking out, indicating investors hedging against higher inflation expectations.

In the bond market, extreme volatility has ensued as market participants reassess expectations for rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. While most believe the Fed may refrain from raising rates further this year, uncertainty looms over the possibility of rate cuts. As inflation data continues to outpace expectations, market sentiment remains bearish, with the risk that the Fed may delay rate cuts until the second half of 2024.

Given these developments, I am shifting to a market-neutral stance, awaiting further clarity from the Fed's decision at the end of April. With inflationary pressures and geopolitical risks weighing on the market, a cautious approach is warranted in navigating the current landscape of heightened volatility and uncertainty.


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In this week's sector spotlight, we're turning our attention to an intriguing area of the market: inverse ETFs. As volatility continues to grip financial markets amidst uncertainties surrounding interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and inflationary pressures, investors are seeking strategies to hedge their portfolios and capitalize on potential downturns. With that in mind, we're eyeing a specific inverse ETF that could offer opportunities for profit in the current market environment.

One such inverse ETF that has caught our attention is the ProShares Short S&P 500 ETF (SH). Designed to provide investors with inverse exposure to the S&P 500 Index, SH aims to deliver returns that correspond to the inverse (-1x) of the daily performance of the index. In other words, as the S&P 500 declines, SH seeks to increase in value, offering a hedge against market downturns.

Amidst heightened volatility and concerns about the sustainability of the market rally, SH presents an attractive opportunity for investors looking to protect their portfolios or capitalize on potential market declines. With major indices like the S&P 500 facing resistance and technical indicators signaling increased fragility, SH could serve as a valuable addition to investors' portfolios.

Trade of the Week: Buying SH for Portfolio Protection

Building on the rationale for considering inverse ETFs like SH, our trade of the week focuses on strategically adding SH to our portfolio. Given the current market conditions characterized by uncertainty surrounding interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and inflationary pressures, SH offers a compelling opportunity to hedge against potential downside risks.

Investors navigating today's volatile market landscape are increasingly seeking strategies to mitigate risk and protect their portfolios against potential downturns. In this context, purchasing shares of the ProShares Short S&P 500 ETF (SH) emerges as a compelling hedge for current market conditions. With uncertainties surrounding interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and inflationary pressures looming large, the S&P 500 faces heightened vulnerability to downside risks. 

By investing in SH, which seeks to provide inverse exposure to the S&P 500 Index, investors can effectively hedge their portfolios against market declines. This inverse ETF offers the potential for gains as the S&P 500 decreases in value, providing a valuable tool for safeguarding against adverse market movements while maintaining exposure to broader market trends. In essence, SH serves as a strategic allocation within investors' portfolios, offering downside protection and enhancing overall risk management amidst a climate of heightened volatility and uncertainty.

With the S&P 500 trading below its key support levels and technical indicators flashing warning signs, the timing is ripe to initiate a position in SH. As mentioned earlier, SH is designed to move inversely to the S&P 500, meaning it stands to benefit from any weakness in the index.

Looking ahead to the upcoming week, we believe that adding SH to our portfolio could prove to be a prudent move. Based on the insights gleaned from our analysis and the latest A.I. data, we anticipate continued market volatility and the potential for further downside pressure. By incorporating SH into our investment strategy, we aim to safeguard our portfolio against potential market downturns while positioning ourselves to capitalize on opportunities in the current market environment. 

This week, I’ll be adding ProShares Short S&P 500 ETF (SH)  to my portfolio!

Stay tuned for real-time updates and further insights as we navigate this and other exciting trade opportunities.

And one more thing! Our track record speaks for itself from the standpoint of a Winning Trades Percentage, Average Return Per Trade, and Net Gain. Just take a look:

The consistent performance of our services is just incredible. My historical stellar performance is made possible by being right on 84.54% of all trades that I made, with an average profit of 37.21% per trade on our collective trade recommendations. To my knowledge, this trading performance is one-of-a-kind and stands alone in the marketplace for superior trading advice where our numbers and results speak for themselves.

Go to our website at www.yellowtunnel.com and make one of our services your default trading system where the AI that powers my all-world, the proprietary platform, can help you make 2024 the best trading year of your portfolio yet!

As always, remember to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.

One more thing, I've had the opportunity to take additional action with a great organization supporting families in Ukraine directly. Gate.org is a foundation where fundraising is held for specific families, allocating funds to multiple families currently living in Ukraine. I am on the board of directors for this great initiative and encourage everyone to check it out and donate if possible. The war in Ukraine is escalating and families are being negatively impacted and displaced daily. To learn more about this initiative to help families, please see the link below:


Wishing you a week filled with resilience, growth, and prosperous opportunities!