$MSFT: Closes at All-Time High on 2024 AI Optimism

The halfway point of Q4 is pretty much upon us. As earnings wrap up, and we move further away from the last FOMC meeting, all eyes are now on the upcoming inflation data - as well as any intention-signaling comments from the Fed. At home, I continue to work my way through one of the most interesting and impactful books I have read in a while, Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow." Having mentioned this book in the past few articles, I assume some of you are familiar but for those that are not Kaheman’s book deals with exploring the operating systems of thinking we use: System 1 (fast, emotional) vs. System 2 (slow, logical.)

Just as we have the past few weeks, our book club met to discuss the latest dense and informative chapter. Our latest discussion took an unexpected turn into the realm of soccer- specifically the 2006 World Cup. And as it turns out, soccer matches can be a lot more than just wins and losses — they're a perfect reflection of how our minds process information.

Consider the championship match result: France lost, and Italy won. Two sides of the same coin, right? Kahneman, however, would argue that they elicit vastly different emotions based on our personal biases. This is System 1 thinking at play, where emotions take the lead in decision-making.

Now, how does this connect to the world of finance? Classic economic theory treats decisions as cold, hard equations, often overlooking the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies them. Picture a trader contemplating their next move. They could be fixated on the potential gains per trade, or, as we discussed last time, they might opt to be more strategic by keeping a journal and determining how much they're willing to risk per trade.

Remember the asymmetry we uncovered between losses and gains? Research shows we're wired to fight harder to recover from maximum losses than we are to secure gains. It's a psychological quirk that has profound implications in the financial world.

"In trading, you can think about how much money you want to make per trade," I shared with my book club pals. "Or," I continued, "you can keep a journal, and say how much money you are willing to risk per trade."

This is where Kahneman's concept of 'framing' comes into play — the art of presentation in decision-making scenarios. Think of it as shaping the narrative of your financial choices.

Kahneman's insights prompt us to question whether the way we frame our financial decisions aligns with the objective reality of the market. It's not just about how we articulate our choices but understanding that the framing itself can introduce biases and influence our perceptions. For instance, framing a potential investment as a "can't-miss opportunity" might overshadow the underlying risks. In contrast, framing it as a calculated risk might lead to a more prudent approach. The key here is to recognize that framing isn't merely a linguistic nuance; it's a cognitive strategy that shapes our attitudes and behavior. By bridging the gap between framing and reality, we empower ourselves to make more informed and rational decisions in the complex arena of finance.

So, here's the golden nugget for your trading desk: don't just accept decisions as they are presented. Step back, engage System 2 thinking, and decipher whether your choices are influenced more by framing than reality.

As we navigate the intricate waters of finance, let's be mindful of our mental traps. Keep that journal, stay aware of your thoughts, and leverage framing to your advantage in the financial chess game.

Recent Trade Review

In this week's edition of our live trading room, our Dynamic Power Trader (DPT) system once again demonstrated its prowess by uncovering a lucrative profit opportunity. The spotlight was on the ever-dynamic $SPY, or the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust. Our model, designed to sift through the market noise and pinpoint high-potential trades, identified a compelling opportunity to go long on $SPY. For a detailed analysis and play-by-play of this strategic move, be sure to check out our Tuesday live trading room recording here.

What sets our service apart is not just the robustness of the DPT model but the real-time, actionable insights you receive. The major distinction between our paid and free services lies in the immediacy of information. Subscribers to our premium service receive timely SMS messages, ensuring that you are well-informed on precisely when to enter and exit trades. This added layer of communication is a game-changer, allowing you to capitalize on opportunities swiftly and efficiently.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog, where we'll reveal the details of our latest sector and symbol of the week. 


In the aftermath of a tumultuous week, all three major U.S. indices managed to close on a positive note, as it appears the start of the Christmas rally is perhaps upon us. Despite a lack of major economic reports, markets exhibited resilience, building upon earlier gains. However, a mix of hawkish commentary from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and weaker-than-expected demand at a 30-year Treasury bond auction on Thursday temporarily dented the optimism. Come Friday, the markets were poised for a rebound.

Looking ahead, all eyes are on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) in the coming week. The Federal Reserve, known for its data-dependent stance, has investors pondering the crucial question of when the Fed will initiate rate reductions. The current market expectation leans toward the first half of 2024, and market dynamics are poised to respond accordingly to the accuracy of this prediction.

In the realm of currency, the Dollar Index (DXY) displayed signs of retreat, aligning with a drop in longer-dated treasuries that retested the 50 DMA. As long as the dollar remains weak and yields continue their descent towards the year-end, the prevailing market rally is anticipated to persist.

Last week's positivity in the market was a result of various factors, including a dip in bond yields, bolstering equities, and a softer jobs report that hinted at a potential pause in further interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. The belief that the Federal Reserve is shifting away from tightening policies regarding interest rates has instilled newfound confidence among investors.

However, the optimism faced a setback following Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's hawkish tone at the International Monetary Fund event. Powell's comments, coupled with lackluster demand at the Treasury bond auction, prompted a market pullback. The central bank's stance remains cautious, leaving the door open for additional rate increases if inflation persists.

In the corporate arena, Walt Disney reported impressive fourth-quarter earnings, driven by the success of Disney+ and a robust cost-cutting plan. Conversely, AMC Entertainment faced a 14% decline as it filed to offer up to $350 million of stock.

Consumer sentiment, as gauged by the University of Michigan's survey, took a hit, recording a reading of 60.4 in the first two weeks of November. This decline adds a note of caution as we approach the holiday season, reflecting potential concerns among consumers.

Amidst conflicting expectations, a significant portion of market participants anticipate lower yields in the first half of 2024. However, if this projection proves inaccurate and inflation persists, interest rates may not see a reduction until the second half of 2025. This critical factor is not entirely factored into current market evaluations, and uncertainties persist. Shifting to a market-neutral stance, some foresee a capped SPY rally at $450-$470 levels, with short support at $400-$430 for the next few months. The energy sector, meanwhile, experienced a notable pullback due to weak global demand and a temporary decrease in geopolitical risks. For reference, the SPY Seasonal Chart is shown below:

In conclusion, the trading landscape remains dynamic, marked by the interplay of economic indicators, Federal Reserve actions, and corporate performances. Investors must navigate these uncertainties with caution, keeping a close watch on upcoming data releases and policy developments.


As we delve into our sector spotlight, the current market dynamics present a compelling opportunity in a sector that has been quietly building momentum. The convergence of a positive sentiment stemming from the Federal Reserve's apparent shift away from aggressive interest rate hikes and an anticipated surge in demand for its products and services during the approaching holiday season positions this sector as an attractive investment choice. As we peer into the market's evolving dynamics, consider exploring this sector for its stability, growth potential, and alignment with the prevailing positive sentiment, laying the groundwork for a promising investment endeavor.

The Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund ($XLK) is a renowned exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the performance of the Technology Select Sector Index. Comprising giants in the tech space like Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia, $XLK offers investors exposure to the innovation and growth potential of the technology sector.

In the current market landscape, $XLK stands out as a promising investment. The recent surge in the tech-heavy Nasdaq, coupled with the Federal Reserve's apparent pivot away from aggressive interest rate hikes, creates a favorable environment for technology stocks. As the holiday season approaches, the demand for tech products and services is expected to rise, further benefiting companies within $XLK.

Additionally, the resilience demonstrated by the technology sector during recent market fluctuations is a testament to its stability. With the Federal Reserve signaling a potential halt in interest rate hikes and a positive sentiment surrounding tech stocks, now may be an opportune time to consider $XLK as part of a well-rounded investment strategy.

With tech’s potential uptick in mind, there is one specific symbol that has caught my attention and, with the latest wave of A.I., has plenty of room for growth.

TRADE OF THE WEEK: $MSFT: Closes at All-Time High on 2024 AI Optimism

Shifting our focus to an individual stock within the technology sector, Microsoft Corporation ($MSFT) has been making waves with its recent performance. As a tech giant with a diverse portfolio spanning software, cloud services, and artificial intelligence (AI), Microsoft continues to be a market leader.

Microsoft, founded in 1975, has evolved into one of the world's most valuable technology companies. With a market capitalization exceeding $2 trillion, Microsoft's influence extends across various tech domains, from operating systems to cloud computing.

$MSFT is set to be a key player in the tech sector's potential rally. The company's recent optimism surrounding its AI initiatives for 2024 has garnered attention. As AI continues to shape the technological landscape, Microsoft's commitment to innovation positions it for sustained growth. The recent closure of $MSFT at an all-time high underscores market confidence and suggests a bullish trend.

Considering the current market conditions, where the technology sector is exhibiting strength and the Federal Reserve's dovish stance supports equities, investing in $MSFT may align with the broader positive sentiment in the tech space. And my A.I. models agree! When reviewing MSFT’s predicted data we see several encouraging signals, none better than its 10-day trend outlook:

This week, I’ll be adding $MSFT to my portfolio!

And one more thing! Our track record speaks for itself from the standpoint of a Winning Trades Percentage, Average Return Per Trade, and Net Gain. Just take a look:

The consistent performance of our services is just incredible. My historical stellar performance is made possible by being right on 85.15% of all trades that I made, with an average profit of 37.84% per trade on our collective trade recommendations. To my knowledge, this trading performance is one-of-a-kind and stands alone in the marketplace for superior trading advice where our numbers and results speak for themselves.

Go to our website at www.yellowtunnel.com and make one of our services your default trading system where the AI that powers my all-world, the proprietary platform, can help you make the rest of 2023 the best trading year of your portfolio yet!

As always, remember to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.

One more thing, I've had the opportunity to take additional action with a great organization supporting families in Ukraine directly. Gate.org is a foundation where fundraising is held for specific families, allocating funds to multiple families currently living in Ukraine. I am on the board of directors for this great initiative and encourage everyone to check it out and donate if possible. The war in Ukraine is escalating and families are being negatively impacted and displaced daily. To learn more about this initiative to help families, please see the link below:


Wishing you a week filled with resilience, growth, and prosperous opportunities!