$CVX to Jump Due to Middle East Instability

Greetings, fellow investors,

In our latest book club meeting, we explored a fascinating concept that has a profound impact on both our perceptions and our trading decisions: Prospect Theory. It was an eye-opening discussion that seamlessly connected the dots between cognitive psychology and the complexities of the financial markets.

Our book club, with its monthly rendezvous, offers a unique backdrop for intellectual exploration. This time, we delved into "Thinking, Fast and Slow," a 2011 book by psychologist Daniel Kahneman. Within the pages of this insightful work, Kahneman distinguishes between "System 1," our quick, emotional, and instinct-driven thinking, and "System 2," the slower, more methodical, and rational thought process.

The real revelation happened when we connected these cognitive insights to the trading world. Prospect Theory, as the book highlighted, often leads us to make seemingly irrational choices in the financial markets. Take, for example, the common trader saying: "It's not a loss until it's sold." How often have we clung to a losing trade, hoping for a miraculous turnaround, only to swiftly exit profitable trades, only to watch the stock soar higher after we've bailed out? It all boils down to emotions, as Prospect Theory astutely points out - the pain of loss far outweighs the joy of equivalent gains.

Let's illustrate this with a simple example: Receiving $50 brings us happiness, but being handed $100 and then having $50 taken away leaves us feeling decidedly sad. This emotional asymmetry underlines why traders often behave the way they do.

So, here's the million-dollar question: How do we shield ourselves from emotional-based thinking while trading? This is precisely why I created Yellowtunnel, where an impressive three out of four trades result in success. The key takeaway here is remarkably straightforward: we may not control market fluctuations, but our responses to them are within our control.

The path to success in trading is twofold: stick to your meticulously crafted trading plan and diligently keep track of your target gains and losses. Furthermore, recognize the thoughts and emotions that can influence your decisions. Remember, losses can sting, but don't forget to savor your wins.

But let's dive deeper into the practical implications of all this psychology. How does Prospect Theory influence traders in the real world? The book offered a compelling example: when faced with the choice between a 100% probability of closing a profitable trade or waiting for a 50/50% chance of the stock continuing to rally, the majority of traders prefer the former, often cutting their potential gains short.

Conversely, when confronted with a losing trade, they seem to hesitate in taking the 100% probability of a loss and instead opt for the 50/50 chance of recovery. It's as if they momentarily forget the trader's maxim - "It's not a loss until it's sold." Traders cut their winners short and let their losers linger.

This intriguing behavior is a product of our innate risk aversion. We're naturally wired to avoid losses more vehemently than we desire gains. So, how can you tackle this challenge?

The first step is self-awareness. It's essential to understand the distinction between "System 1," our emotional and swift decision-making mode, and "System 2," the more contemplative but sometimes sluggish counterpart. Keeping a trading journal, analyzing the factors influencing your trading decisions, and assigning appropriate weight can significantly help. Also, make use of positive and negative visualizations to better manage your risk aversion.

For those eager to delve deeper, we encourage you to explore the live trading room recordings where you can further immerse yourself in these critical concepts.

Prospect Theory may add layers of complexity to our trading decisions, but with knowledge, self-awareness, and practice, you can navigate the markets with a clearer mind. Keep an eye out for more insights in this month's newsletter as we continue to explore the intriguing connection between psychology and your portfolio. Happy investing!

Recent Trade Review

In our never-ending quest to provide you with insights and strategies that can sharpen your trading prowess and provide winning trades, we’d like to highlight a recent standout from our Dynamic Power Trader service (DPT). Most of our trades can be seen in real-time during our live trading room, and this week's live trading room session was no exception. For those of you who missed it, we highly recommend checking out the Wednesday recording of the live trading room here – where we dissected a trade that showcased the power of timely action and strategic decision-making.

So, what's the buzz from this week's live trading room session? Well, let's talk about the DPT model's astute identification of a long opportunity in the ProShares Short S&P500 ETF ($SH). The trade dubbed the "latest quick hedge," resulted in a commendable gain of 1% on that Wednesday. It's not always about hitting home runs; sometimes, these smaller gains can quickly add up and significantly bolster your portfolio.

But what sets our paid services apart from the free ones? The answer lies in the little things, such as receiving timely SMS messages that tell you precisely when to enter and exit a trade. It's these fine details that can make a substantial difference in your trading experience.

In a market where every tick counts, being in the right place at the right time can be the difference between a profit and a loss. We're here to make sure you have every tool at your disposal to seize the right moments. So, if you haven't already, don't miss our live trading room – they're packed with actionable insights that can sharpen your trading skills and book gains!


The U.S. stock market faced a challenging week with multiple selloffs, largely influenced by the onset of earnings season. Throughout the week, stocks trended downward. However, it was on Friday that the market was hit particularly hard, driven by concerns over the Israel-Hamas conflict and rising bond yields. These factors added to the existing worries and prompted a further decline in stock prices.

One of the key factors contributing to market unease was the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which reached 4.925% during the week. It had briefly touched the 5% mark earlier, causing concern among investors.

On the brighter side, oil futures were on an upward trajectory, set for their second consecutive weekly gain. Gold prices also experienced a rise, primarily due to a U.S. warship intercepting missiles from Yemen, raising tensions in the Middle East. Investors were worried that an extended conflict could disrupt global oil supplies, particularly considering the significant roles played by Iran and Saudi Arabia in oil production. This led some traders to seek refuge in safe-haven assets like gold.

Geopolitical events, such as the Israel-Hamas conflict and the missile interceptions in Yemen, had a notable impact on financial markets. The concern over a potentially broader conflict and its implications on oil supply and prices was a major driver behind gold and oil price increases.

President Joe Biden's recent visit to Israel and his reaffirmation of support for the country played a role in the market's response, with questions raised about the origin of certain rocket attacks.

Company-specific news also affected stock performance. Notably, SolarEdge Technologies faced challenges in the European market, leading to a significant reduction in its revenue estimates for the third and fourth quarters.

On the other hand, American Express reported better-than-expected third-quarter earnings and continued revenue growth. However, its stock experienced a decline. Regions Financial struggled in the third quarter, with earnings, net interest income, and revenue falling short of analysts' expectations.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise provided a cautious outlook, with adjusted earnings expectations for fiscal 2024 lower than analyst forecasts. Oil-field services company SLB (formerly Schlumberger) reported mixed results, with earnings exceeding expectations but revenue falling slightly short.

The financial markets faced a turbulent day, marked by a significant decline in stock prices and increasing concerns about bond yields nearing the 5% mark. The ongoing market turmoil has raised expectations for heightened volatility in the latter part of the year. While some experts anticipate interest rates to remain stable through January, geopolitical risks and reduced demand for treasuries are pushing long-term rates higher, echoing trends reminiscent of the Global Financial Crisis.

The Beige Book, providing insights into economic activity across the U.S., has become a focal point for the financial community. It indicates that economic activity has shown little to no change since the September report, with the U.S. economy exhibiting "stable" to "slightly weaker" growth. Despite inflationary pressures stemming from higher wages, rising oil prices, and insurance costs, companies have been unable to pass on these cost increases to consumers, leading to shrinking profit margins.

The current inflation rate stands at 3.7%, well above the Federal Reserve's 2% target, prompting discussions within the central bank on how to address this challenge. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's latest speech indicates the possibility of keeping interest rates unchanged in November but raises concerns about rates not being raised sufficiently, signaling the potential for more rate hikes in the future.

Earnings reports from various sectors have produced mixed results. While some banks reported good earnings, the overall stock market has struggled to maintain its high valuation.

Morgan Stanley faced a stock price decline due to underwhelming results in its wealth management sector, despite overall third-quarter results exceeding profit estimates.

Netflix, on the other hand, reported positive earnings, beating expectations and experiencing significant subscriber growth.

Tesla offered a cautious outlook, citing concerns about the macroeconomic environment, which led to a drop in its stock price.

AT&T reported earnings and revenue that exceeded expectations and raised its free cash flow target for the year, driving its stock price higher.

The tech sector faced challenges, with small caps, technology companies, cyclicals, and regional banks underperforming. The S&P 500 grappled with its 50-day moving average, while the Dollar Index saw a multi-month rally.

Interest rates experienced an overshoot, driven by weak demand for treasuries, particularly from Japan and China. This lack of demand pushed yields higher and impacted equity valuations, with the yield on the 10-year Treasury note reaching levels reminiscent of the Global Financial Crisis.

Several stocks, including NVIDIA and chipmakers, faced unique challenges, and rising interest rates and affordability concerns affected the electric vehicle sector.

Geopolitical risks remained a concern, with strikes spreading across various industries. A potential government shutdown also added to the uncertainty. In this environment, safe-haven assets like silver and gold rallied, despite the strength of the U.S. dollar.

While the stock market remains volatile, I maintain a cautious outlook for the SPY ETF. It's plausible that SPY could encounter resistance in the range of $450-470, with potential support in the $400-430 range in the coming months. The prevailing market sentiment strongly suggests the likelihood of further downside, with signs pointing towards a potential breach of the lows seen in August. For reference, you can find the SPY Seasonal Chart displayed below:

To stay well-informed about market trends, I am actively monitoring critical indicators such as the iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM), the SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (KRE), and the SPDR S&P Retail ETF (XRT). These indicators provide valuable insights into the market's direction and health. Likewise, after reviewing my A.I. lAtest forecast and the current market conditions, one sector and specifically one symbol stand above the rest, and will be looking to invest in the coming days. 



SECTOR SPOTLIGHT: A Strategic Play in the Energy Sector

In this week's sector spotlight, we are diving into a strategic trading opportunity within the stock market, one that has the potential to yield promising returns based on the current market dynamics. Our AI system has identified a specific sector that appears poised to make substantial gains in the coming days. As we explore this sector in detail, we'll uncover the key factors driving its potential for growth and unveil the strategic insights that can guide investors toward a promising path.

The Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE) is a renowned exchange-traded fund that offers investors exposure to the energy sector, encompassing major companies engaged in the exploration, production, and distribution of energy resources. These companies play an integral role in powering our world, providing the fuel and energy needed for industries and daily life.

Given the current market conditions and the events, the energy sector is emerging as a compelling area for investment. The ongoing geopolitical turmoil, particularly in the Middle East, has raised concerns about the stability of global oil supplies. This, in turn, creates a favorable environment for energy-related stocks like XLE.

The fear of potential disruptions in oil production and supply due to conflicts in the Middle East, combined with rising demand for energy resources, positions the energy sector as an attractive prospect for investors. As global tensions persist, the potential for increased oil prices and demand becomes increasingly evident. This is a powerful catalyst that can drive the growth of companies within the energy sector.

TRADE OF THE WEEK: $CVX to Jump Due to Middle East Instability

In line with our sector focus on energy, we turn our attention to a specific stock poised for an upward trajectory. Our "Trade of the Week" spotlights Chevron Corporation (CVX), one of the world's leading integrated energy companies.

Chevron Corporation (CVX) is a renowned multinational energy corporation with a substantial presence in the oil and gas industry. Known for its exploration, production, refining, and marketing of energy resources, Chevron stands as a stalwart in the sector, operating on a global scale.

With ongoing instability in the Middle East and the potential for escalating tensions, energy companies like Chevron are positioned for significant growth. As elaborated in the "CURRENT TRADING LANDSCAPE" section, ongoing conflicts in the Middle East have intensified concerns about the stability of global oil supplies. These concerns have profound implications for the energy sector, and Chevron, being a significant player in the industry, is poised to reap the benefits.

The recent interception of missiles from Yemen, coupled with the Israel-Hamas conflict, has injected a sense of uncertainty into the global oil market. The potential for disruptions in oil production and supply has made energy resources a sought-after commodity. This heightened demand, combined with fears of potential oil supply constraints, underlines the strong position of energy companies like Chevron.

Furthermore, Chevron's extensive global operations, including exploration, production, refining, and marketing of energy resources, place it at the forefront of the industry. These multifaceted operations provide the company with diversified revenue streams and a competitive edge in navigating the complexities of the energy market. As a result, Chevron's stock is well-positioned to experience an upswing in the wake of escalating geopolitical concerns and growing demand for energy resources. And what’s even more compelling is that our A.I. appears to agree! Just take a look at CVX’s 10-day predicted data:

By considering these factors, investing in CVX in the upcoming week represents a prudent move that aligns with the broader market dynamics. Chevron is, indeed, a compelling choice for investors seeking to capitalize on the current state of affairs in the energy sector.

This week, I’ll be adding $CVX to my portfolio!

And one more thing! Our track record speaks for itself from the standpoint of a Winning Trades Percentage, Average Return Per Trade, and Net Gain. Just take a look:

The consistent performance of our services is just incredible. My historical stellar performance is made possible by being right on 85.16% of all trades that I made, with an average profit of 37.65% per trade on our collective trade recommendations. To my knowledge, this trading performance is one-of-a-kind and stands alone in the marketplace for superior trading advice where our numbers and results speak for themselves.

Go to our website at www.yellowtunnel.com and make one of our services your default trading system where the AI that powers my all-world, the proprietary platform, can help you make the rest of 2023 the best trading year of your portfolio yet!

As always, remember to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.

One more thing, I've had the opportunity to take additional action with a great organization supporting families in Ukraine directly. Gate.org is a foundation where fundraising is held for specific families, allocating funds to multiple families currently living in Ukraine. I am on the board of directors for this great initiative and encourage everyone to check it out and donate if possible. The war in Ukraine is escalating and families are being negatively impacted and displaced daily. To learn more about this initiative to help families, please see the link below:


Wishing you a week filled with resilience, growth, and prosperous opportunities!