Exploring the Limits: How Much Further Can the Market Rally?

Greetings, YellowTunnel Community!

Last week, we dove into one of my favorite strategies in options trading, and today, I'm eager to share a story that highlights this strategy, especially during earnings season.

The strategy I'm referring to is one I've always had a fondness for during times of volatility: the large call skew. This occurs in options trading when there's a distinct preference for buying call options over put options, often signaling optimism or anticipated upward movement in the underlying asset. This approach enables one to embrace volatility during earnings season through the purchase of option debit strategies such as condors and butterflies. It's a bit like finding hidden treasure in the market, particularly around earnings announcements. So, with Disney's earnings report on the horizon, I couldn't resist the opportunity to put this strategy to work.

I decided to play it safe with Disney and took a position by betting that the stock would fall using something called a long put butterfly. It sounds complicated, I know, but it's all about setting things up just right to make a profit if the stock takes a dive.

And dive it did! When Disney missed its earnings targets, the stock took a bit of a tumble, dipping down to $105 in the opening hours of trading. That's when my carefully planned trade really paid off, allowing me to close out with a nice profit of over 100%.

So, what led me to make this move? Well, it all came down to spotting what we call a call skew. By looking at the numbers and seeing that there was a lot more interest in buying call options than puts, I knew I had a good opportunity on my hands. Take a look:

In the image I've included above, you can see the data that helped me make my decision. It shows a lot of folks were interested in buying calls at the 105 and 130 strike prices, which tipped me off that something big might be coming.

This trade just goes to show that even in uncertain times, there are ways to make smart moves in the market. And as we continue to explore these strategies together, I hope you'll join me in uncovering more opportunities to grow our portfolios.

Until next time, happy trading, and remember, it's never too late to learn something new in the world of finance!"

Recent Trade Review

In light of the macro analysis discussed earlier and my shift towards a neutral stance, I recently executed a trade involving Disney (DIS) stock using options. (It's worth noting that Disney was identified through YellowTunnel's Earnings Power Trader services). The decision to short Disney was influenced by insights gleaned from the EPT model, which highlighted an unusual surge in demand for call options without corresponding hedging via put options—a situation that often precedes negative surprises.

I opted to purchase a DIS put butterfly, a move that proved prescient as the stock's price action unfolded. Within just one day, the trade yielded an impressive return of over 100%. This successful outcome underscores the value of leveraging informed analysis and strategic options trading in navigating volatile market conditions.

It's important to note a significant benefit of utilizing paid services like YellowTunnel's Earnings Power Trader: timely notifications. Subscribers receive SMS messages precisely indicating optimal entry and exit points, enhancing the ability to capitalize on market opportunities efficiently.

For those interested in diving deeper into the trade rationale and execution, you can review Tuesday's live trading room recording here.

Stay tuned for more insights and trade updates!


This past week proved to be anything but quiet in financial markets, as investors grappled with several developments, including FOMC speculation, earnings surprises, and heightened volatility. Despite recent momentum pushing SPY to new highs, there's a growing sense of caution that the rally may be plateauing. Forecasts indicate that SPY could encounter resistance around the $530-$540 levels, with short support at $480-$500 for the next few months, a pivotal point where market sentiment might shift. For reference, the SPY Seasonal Chart is shown below:

Amidst these market fluctuations, discussions revolving around interest rates and Treasury yields remained at the forefront. The 10-year Treasury yield's volatility, trading between 4.5% and 4.7%, captured significant attention. The dip below the critical 4.5% level got the market to rally, but there's still discussion about the possibility of rates dropping further, especially as we approach CPI data. However, the potential for rates to breach the 5% threshold is also being debated. Such a scenario could exert downward pressure on equities, amplifying market jitters. All eyes are now on CPI data next week, with expectations high for its impact on market direction.

The latest consumer sentiment report painted a sobering picture, indicating growing concerns about inflation, unemployment, and higher interest rates. According to preliminary results from the University of Michigan's consumer survey, the consumer sentiment index fell by roughly 13% to 67.4 in May, marking its lowest reading in about six months. Economists had expected the index to decline to 76.9 from April's 77.2, highlighting the severity of the downturn.

Inflation expectations for the year ahead rose to 3.5% from 3.2% in April, while five-year inflation expectations inched up to 3.1% from 3%. These rising inflation expectations are crucial as they influence actual inflation rates, impacting businesses' pricing decisions and employees' wage demands.

Both QQQ and SPY found themselves in a tight battle around their 50-day moving averages (DMA) throughout the week, currently trading slightly above critical support levels that often influence market direction. Investors closely monitored whether these indices remained above or below their respective 50 DMAs as they navigated market turbulence. This technical indicator serves as a barometer of market sentiment and can signal potential shifts in trend direction. Keeping a close eye on these moving averages is essential for investors seeking to gauge the market's underlying strength and resilience amidst uncertainty.

Going back to the start of the week, the week commenced with unexpected remarks from Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari, injecting uncertainty into market sentiment. Kashkari's suggestion of a potential rate hike diverged from prevailing expectations of a status quo stance, leading to a loss of momentum in stocks and fluctuations in bond yields.

Earnings reports from corporate giants also played a significant role in shaping market dynamics. Walt Disney's latest earnings release was particularly disappointing, with its stock plummeting nearly 10% in afternoon trading. The underwhelming performance of its streaming division raised concerns about its future competitiveness. Despite setbacks, analysts are closely monitoring Disney's strategy in the streaming arena, given its vast content portfolio and digital ambitions.

As we navigate the intersection of earnings and interest rates, market hesitation prevails. Mid-week witnessed a rebound in oil prices amidst geopolitical uncertainties, while lackluster earnings reports from Uber and Shopify tempered market enthusiasm. With VIX expiration week and May expiration looming, market participants brace for potential turbulence, with implications for broader market sentiment.

The week's end saw U.S. equities poised for a positive close, driven by higher-than-expected weekly jobless claims. However, concerns about inflation dynamics and geopolitical risks persist, underscoring the importance of prudent risk management strategies. Amidst these uncertainties, I am still utilizing a market-neutral stance, neither excessively bullish nor bearish, as they await clearer signals on market direction.

Also to note, the Japanese yen surged to multi-year lows despite Bank of Japan interventions, highlighting currency market volatility. Meanwhile, the Bank of England maintained interest rates unchanged, mirroring cautious Fed policy. Oil markets saw fluctuations amid geopolitical tensions, with mid-week rebounds driven by supply concerns and positive demand signals from key consumers like the U.S. and China.

Looking ahead, attention turns to CPI data and additional input from the Fed, with expectations of choppy markets in the coming months. Despite challenges, opportunities in the market persist for those who navigate volatility with caution and agility.


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Sector Spotlight

In the midst of ongoing market volatility, investors are actively seeking sectors that offer stability and growth potential. Despite recent market challenges, this industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience, fueled by its ability to innovate and adapt to changing market dynamics. With the rapid digital transformation across industries and increasing reliance, this sector remains a beacon of opportunity in today's uncertain market environment.

The sector that stands out amidst the turbulence is the technology sector. In particular, the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) emerges as a noteworthy symbol to watch. This exchange-traded fund (ETF) provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of technology companies, offering investors a convenient way to gain access to the sector's potential upside while mitigating individual stock risk. With XLK as a strategic investment vehicle, investors can navigate the tech terrain with confidence, leveraging the sector's growth opportunities amidst market volatility.

As we delve into the specifics, it becomes clear that the current market conditions favor investments in technology. With the Federal Reserve's stance on interest rates, fluctuating Treasury yields, and persistent inflation concerns, investors are seeking refuge in sectors with strong growth prospects and solid fundamentals. The technology sector, with its focus on innovation and disruption, fits the bill perfectly. 

Companies within this sector are well-positioned to capitalize on the evolving digital landscape, driving productivity gains and efficiency improvements across various industries. One particular company comes to mind, and my A.I. agrees!

Trade of the Week: Unlocking Potential with Alphabet Inc. ($GOOGL)

As we look ahead to the upcoming week, one trade opportunity that warrants careful consideration is Alphabet Inc. ($GOOGL), a leading player in the tech space. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, boasts a formidable presence in the technology ecosystem, with a diverse portfolio of products and services that span search, advertising, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

Despite recent market fluctuations, Alphabet has maintained its position as a market leader, with its core businesses delivering strong performance, particularly in advertising revenue driven by its dominant position in online search. Moreover, Alphabet's strategic investments in emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and autonomous vehicles, position it for long-term growth and innovation.

Considering the latest market conditions and insights gleaned from the above article, buying Alphabet Inc. represents a compelling opportunity for investors. With its solid fundamentals, innovative capabilities, and strategic vision, Alphabet is well-equipped to weather market turbulence and capitalize on emerging trends, making it an attractive prospect for those seeking stability amid volatility.

Given the prevailing market conditions outlined in the article, investing in Alphabet Inc. emerges as a strategic move for several reasons. Firstly, Alphabet boasts robust fundamentals, including strong revenue growth, healthy profit margins, and a solid balance sheet, providing a sturdy foundation for long-term growth potential. Secondly, Alphabet's innovative capabilities and diversified business portfolio position it favorably to adapt to changing market dynamics and capitalize on emerging trends, enhancing its competitive advantage and market leadership.

Moreover, Alphabet's strategic vision and prudent management further bolster its investment appeal, as demonstrated by its proactive approach to driving growth through strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and investments. Furthermore, Alphabet's presence in key growth sectors, such as digital advertising, cloud services, and hardware, provides diversified revenue streams, enhancing its resilience to economic downturns and market fluctuations. Just take a look at GOOGL’s 10-day Predicted Data:

Overall, by incorporating Alphabet Inc. into their investment portfolios, investors stand to benefit from exposure to a company with strong fundamentals, innovative prowess, strategic vision, and diversified revenue streams, making it a compelling opportunity to capitalize on the long-term growth prospects of the dynamic tech sector.

This week, I’ll be adding  Alphabet Inc. ($GOOGL) to my portfolio!

And one more thing! Our track record speaks for itself from the standpoint of a Winning Trades Percentage, Average Return Per Trade, and Net Gain. Just take a look:

The consistent performance of our services is just incredible. My historical stellar performance is made possible by being right on 84.50% of all trades that I made, with an average profit of 37.13% per trade on our collective trade recommendations. To my knowledge, this trading performance is one-of-a-kind and stands alone in the marketplace for superior trading advice where our numbers and results speak for themselves.

Visit our website at www.yellowtunnel.com and select one of our services as your default trading system. With our AI-powered platform, let's make 2024 the most profitable year yet for your portfolio! Remember to conduct thorough research and assess your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.

One more thing, I've had the opportunity to take additional action with a great organization supporting families in Ukraine directly. Gate.org is a foundation where fundraising is held for specific families, allocating funds to multiple families currently living in Ukraine. I am on the board of directors for this great initiative and encourage everyone to check it out and donate if possible. The war in Ukraine is escalating and families are being negatively impacted and displaced daily. To learn more about this initiative to help families, please see the link below:


Wishing you a week filled with resilience, growth, and prosperous opportunities!